5 Simple things businesses can do to improve health and wellbeing in the workplace.

5 simple things to improve mental health

Unfortunately, work-related stress will likely never disappear.

However, that doesn’t mean businesses shouldn’t try to make the workplace as stress-free as possible and promote wellness within the company.

It is essential for employees to feel supported, safe, energised, and healthy.

Here are 5 simple things businesses can do to promote health and wellbeing in the workplace.

Promote a Healthy Diet

Diet has a huge impact on mental health, and the food we eat can influence our mood, motivation and productivity in work.

It is important to feed our brains the right nutrients and give our bodies sufficient energy for the day.

Businesses don’t need be pushy in promoting a healthy diet, and this step isn’t us saying only serve chicken and rice every day.

Simply provide healthy options where possible and promote the idea that healthy eating is good for the brain and body.

Encourage Exercise

We all know the benefits of exercise on the body, but physical exercise also has been proven to be extremely beneficial to our mental health.

From combating anxiety, stress, and depression, to boosting mental energy and productivity levels; exercise can have a profound impact on the health and wellness of the workplace.

Again, the key is to not be too pushy and demand all employees head straight to the gym.

For businesses, encouraging exercise could include daily step-count goals, virtual walking challenges or exercise during workhours.

Praise and Recognition

For some, the workplace may affect their health and wellness in that they don’t feel recognised or appreciated for the work they do.

Business can promote a workplace that recognises and praises achievements and hard work:

If someone has done a particularly good job one day, let them know.

If someone else has met a specific goal, congratulate them.

Or, if someone has reached their step-count goal for the day, praise them.

Work-life Balance

Perhaps now, more than ever, people are starting to see the importance of a work-life balance, and the affect this balance can have on one’s health and wellness.

Some prefer working from home, whilst some like working in an office environment. Each person is unique, and copes with work-related stress in different ways.

Of course, it is ultimately down to the business on where people work and what hours they do. But concepts such as flex-work time and no emails past work hours could go a long way in improving employees work-life balance, and boosting their health and wellbeing.


To promote wellness in the workplace, business and employees could see to educate themselves on health and wellbeing.

Mental health is varied subject; but businesses and employees could learn about the prevention of serious complications, ways to help, how to communicate, the scale of alcohol abuse in the UK, or best business practices in terms of health and wellbeing.

Overall, it is important to encourage a workplace where talking about mental health issues and illness isn’t a taboo subject.

Everyone in the workplace will benefit from culture that shows gratitude to those who deserve it.

Click the link below to browse the many Mental Health courses Ajuda have to offer


We currently have smaller class sizes so would advise contacting us to check availability before booking any courses.

Contact the office on 02920576883 if you have any questions.