To ensure that you keep your brain active and continue learning, Ajuda are currently offering a discount on all online training courses until the end of April, use code SELFEDUCATE35 at checkout. This means some of our courses are now less than £20!
– Gaining new skills and knowledge – Improving and developing current skills – Keeping your mind active and engaged in learning – Boosting job prospects – Exploring new topics in a non-committal manner Our fully-approved, interactive-video eLearning courses are perfect for gaining qualificationS. We can deliver all the eLearning you need. Our engaging courses can be taken at any time, in any place and on any device. All courses are approved and priced to offer the best possible value to your business.
At Ajuda, we believe learning never stops, and there are many ways of continuing learning and development from the comfort of your home.
We have a wide range of qualifications including;
Taking an online training course has many benefits, including:
Author: Sales Team
Dyslexia Awareness Week 5th -11th October 2020
What is Dyslexia?
Fundamentally, when commemorating Dyslexia Awareness Week it’s essential to discuss what dyslexia is.
Far from rare, dyslexia is a common difficulty people face when reading text or words. Because intelligence is not impacted, it is not described as a learning disability but a difficulty.
The main disruption dyslexia causes is phonological awareness. In other words, this is our ability to understand sounds and letters (phonemes).
The extent of a person’s dyslexia can greatly vary. For some people, their dyslexia may just slow them down when reading and writing. But for others, dyslexia can be as serious as causing visual interruptions when reading, with words and letters appearing blurred.
When affecting an estimated 10% of the UK population, it’s important to fully understand what dyslexia is. This is especially the case for Dyslexia Awareness Week in schools, whereby reading, writing and general learning are integral to everyday life.
What can be done to support people with dyslexia?
As well as showing awareness and a thorough understanding of what dyslexia is, it’s important to understand how to help those who struggle with it. This is not only the case for Dyslexia Awareness Week but should be day-to-day normality.
Of course, you should always be patient with those who struggle to read. Always encourage them. Whilst it may not appear so on the outside, they may find this a major challenge. Remember this and offer to help if you can.
As a parent, an enjoyable whilst helpful activity to do could be reading to your child. This way, you can inspire them to get interested in stories, imaginative language and vocabulary. By sharing ideas about books, you can discuss key ideas and help your child get a better grip on language.
5 Facts for Dyslexia Awareness Week:
If you’re commemorating Dyslexia Awareness Week, you could discuss these interesting facts with your class:
- Britain’s favourite foodie, Jamie Oliver, is dyslexic. Rather than seeing this as a negative, Jamie is proud of his dyslexia. He believes this enables him to see the world from a different perspective. Dyslexia has not held him back, and you don’t have to look far to see the evidence. As of 2020, he has a net worth of an estimated £230 million.
- 50% of people with dyslexia are left-handed, whereas only 11% of the total UK population are left-handed.
- The Dyslexic brain is typically larger than the average-sized brain and often more creative.
- The most common cause of dyslexia is genetics and the way the brain neurologically develops.
- Dyslexia can also be acquired later in life, due to a brain injury from trauma or disease.
Find out more information Here
Adult Learners Week 21st – 27th September 2020
Adult Learners’ Week now in its 29th year is the biggest adult learning campaign in Wales with over 10,000 adults in Wales taking part. The aim of the campaign is to raise awareness of the value of adult learning, celebrate the achievements of inspirational people and projects and motivate people to discover just how learning can positively change their lives. In response to current events, this year’s campaign will take place virtually through online platform – courses and taster sessions, see more information below. The campaign is coordinated by Learning and Work Institute Cymru in partnership with Welsh Government and other partners.
Take part in Adult Learners’ Week throughout September, there are also plenty of learning opportunities on offer during the autumn/winter months to keep your mind active and remain inspired.
Here at Ajuda we are passionate about Learning and Development and have a range of face to face training and also a comprehensive catalogue of eLearning training courses.
Browse our Courses here and start your learning today.
What Sets us apart from the competition??
We have a team of reliable dedicated, enthusiastic dedicated trainers ready to teach 24 hours a day, 7 days per week if required.
We can teach our courses through the medium of Welsh.
All our professional trainers hold full teaching qualifications.
Ajuda offer free First Aid Training to local school children.
Our exam papers are available in 14 different languages.
Our industry knowledge is extemporary
Ajuda will teach bespoke courses to any industry, anytime, anyplace, anywhere. We recently designed a bespoke first aid course for taxi drivers and delivered the training to 300 taxi drivers across the city. The results and feedback were amazing.
Contact us today
Telephone 02920576883
We can help with your training needs and help you on your learning journey
National Hygiene Week 14th – 20th September 2020
This week marks National Hygiene Week
A week which aims to highlight the very real problem of hygiene poverty across the UK. An estimated 14m people in the UK are said to be facing hygiene poverty – being unable to access the basic items needed to keep clean, be they shower gel or soap, toothbrushes or sanitary protection. And in light of the coronavirus pandemic, the situation is only going to get worse.
What is National Hygiene Week?
National Hygiene Week, which runs from September 14-20, brings hygiene poverty into focus through events and challenges aimed at raising awareness of the issue. The campaign is run by The Hygiene Bank, a charity which was founded by Lizzy Hall after seeing the Ken Loach movie I, Daniel and realising that those living in poverty would be struggling to afford the basics of hygiene as well as other essentials such as food.. “It’s not right that keeping clean should be a luxury or a privilege for anyone in our society. Hygiene poverty exists, closer to home than you think, and it’s unjust,” says Lizzy.
What does The Hygiene Bank do?
The Hygiene Bank provides essential hygiene and personal care products to those living in poverty. The charity collects new, unused and in-date toiletries, hygiene basics, beauty, personal care and cleaning essentials, which are then distributed to those most in need.
Their donation policy is based around the mantra: ‘If you need them and use them, then it is likely someone else needs and uses them too,’ and they accept anything from deodorant to shampoo to razors to loo roll. The charity’s mission is ‘to bring communities together to tackle hygiene poverty by providing essential products to those of us locked in poverty.’
The Hygiene Bank accepts donations of new, unused and in-date toiletries, including hygiene, beauty and personal care essentials.
Here are some desperately needed items which you could donate:
• Toothpaste & Toothbrush (child/adult)
• Shampoo/conditioner
• Shower gel
• Razors
• Shaving foam
• Deodorant
• Hairbrush/hair ties
• Nit comb/nit shampoo
• Sanitary products
• Nappies
• Baby wipes
• Toilet roll
You can find out more at their website – where you can also find details of where and how you can donate.
Back to School = Back to Learning.

Have you been Home Schooling???
Time to get back to your own learning!!!
Lockdown has been a very difficult time for many of us and we have all had to learn to adapt to a new and different way of doing things.
For many, this has meant teaching children at home to make sure that they don't fall behind with their learning and development.
Now that the schools have re-opened so has our wonderful Ajuda Training Academy.
You can book yourself onto one of our many courses and expand your own learning as well as gaining extra qualifications.
Our First Aid courses could one day, help you save a life and at the same time would look even more impressive on your ever growing CV.
We have social distancing measures in place in our training rooms to ensure that everyone remains safe and protected at all times.
Personal protective Equipment is readily available in all areas of the Academy.
Hand Sanitiser
Face Masks
2 x Hand Wash Areas
Personal safety is our priority at all times.
You can rest assured that all appropriate measures are continually adhered to and all areas are completely sanitised before and after every course.

Click the link below to browse the many courses Ajuda have to offer
We currently have smaller class sizes so would advise contacting us to check availability before booking any courses.
Contact the office on 02920576883 if you have any questions.
Safe & Protected
It has been 2 Months since we reopened our Ajuda Training Academy.
We have been pleased to welcome so many students back to our classrooms and have been highly praised for the safety measures we have embedded into our daily routine to ensure everyone is protected at all times.
These unprecedented times over the last 8 months have been extremely difficult for everyone.
Going back into a training environment can be quite daunting so we at Ajuda have made it our priority to ensure all students, tutors & administrative staff are kept safe when they are with us.
Hand Sanitiser & Masks
Throughout The Academy
Socially Distanced
First Aid
Training Room
We look forward to welcoming many many more students to the Academy
Why not have a look at the Courses we offer
The Top 5 First Aid Tips & Tricks
First aid tip 1:
Direct pressure stops bleeding
Serious bleeding from a major blood vessel is a life-threatening emergency.
The best way to stop severe bleeding to apply firm, direct pressure directly over the bleeding wound.
First aid tip 2:
Anyone can use a defibrillator
Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) deliver an electrical shock to help victims of Sudden Cardiac Arrest. A cardiac arrest occurs when the heart stops beating due to a problem with the electrical activity.
AEDs can be found in many public places – shops, railway stations, airports, gyms, schools, colleges etc.
An AED is designed to be used by anyone! They are fully automated and have voice prompts to help bystanders use the device.
First aid tip 3:
Nosebleeds – forwards not back!
The best way to stop a nosebleed is to pinch the soft part of the nose for a minimum of 10 minutes and learn forwards not back!
First aid tip 4:
Water for burns
Cooling a burn quickly is vital to prevent further damage to tissue. The best way to cool a burn is running water! Putting anything else on a burn (such as butter, toothpaste etc.) will not be as effective in removing heat and stopping the burning process.
First aid tip 5:
Chest compressions rule
The most important component of CPR is high quality chest compressions. If you are unable or unwilling to do rescue breathing (“the kiss of life”) then don’t! Instead to continuous chest compressions until further medical help arrives.
These are just some Tips & Tricks
We have fully comprehensive First Aid Training courses that will teach you all the skills and could help you save lives
To Check Availability or to book
Please contact the office on 02920576883 or email
World Friendship Day / International Day Of Friendship 2020
World Friendship Day, also known as International Day of Friendship takes place on 30th July.
The original idea for a day of friendship came from Hallmark cards in the 1930’s. Originally celebrated on 2nd August, the day was largely viewed cynically by the public as a money making exercise, sales of friendship day cards did not take off in Europe and by the mid-1940’s the day had faded into obscurity in the USA. The idea of a day to honour friendship was, however, adopted by a number of countries in Asia where it remained a popular custom to reserve a day for celebrating friendships and the exchange of gifts between friends.
The first World Friendship Day was proposed for 30 July 1958 by the World Friendship Crusade, an international civil organisation that campaigns to foster a culture of peace through friendship. Many years later, in 2011, the 30th July was declared as the International Day of Friendship by the General Assembly of United Nations.
With the growing popularity of social media throughout the world, there has been an increase in celebrating World Friendship day and International Day of Friendship online as well as with community activities in local communities aimed at bringing those of different backgrounds together.
How to celebrate Friendship Day
There are no set rules on how to celebrate Friendship Day. The beauty of all friendships, whether tried and tested or new and burgeoning, is that each one is unique from the last. This gives you and your best buddies a blank slate to do whatever you want to do, within reason, of course, and celebrate it however you see fit, and how to honour the memories you have made together.
Taking a trip together to celebrate is an excellent way to make the day all about each other. You can visit places that mean something to you, whether that’s the beach where you first met or the scene of your most infamous exploits. Or, you can go to that one place where you promised each other you’d always go.
With so many people living such busy lives, however, not everyone can plan a big day out for each other. But that’s what makes Friendship Day such a wonderful occasion. Best friends understand that life often gets in the way, so they won’t be disappointed if there’s no colossal celebration in their honour. Maybe next year, though?
Just a phone call checking in on them could morph into an hours-long conversation discussing life, the universe, and everything in between. For long-lost friends, this is a great way to catch up and spill all the secrets that don’t end up on social media. For friends who still keep in regular contact, it’s always a great way to learn about what each other had for lunch.
Likewise, celebrating Friendship Day at school is easy, too. Students can write essays about what friendships mean to them, and why they consider their friends to be their best. Similarly, art, poetry, and other avenues are all ways to get kids thinking about what friendship is.
So, today more than any other day is the chance to let all your besties, whether near or far, know how much you care for and appreciate them. It’s the chance to reach out to old friends, new friends, and even those you see every day of the week, and do something that celebrates what your friendship means to you.
Mental Health First Aid
Mental Health First Aid (Wales)
Training Course
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is an internationally recognised training course, designed to teach you how to spot the signs and symptoms of mental health conditions and provide help on a first aid basis.
What to say and do in a crisis.
Practice listening and responding.
How to apply the 5 steps of MHFA.
The importance of good listening skills.
Understanding recovery from mental health problems.
How to respond if you believe someone is at risk of suicide.
How to give immediate help until professional help is available.
Understanding the connection between mental health problems and alcohol and drugs.
Understanding the connection between mental health problems and discrimination.
Some basic information about common mental health problems Self-help
Sept 21st & 22nd, Oct 15th & 16th, Nov 17th & 18th, Dec 15th & 16th
The cost of the course is £140 +VAT per person
Or £1,300+VAT for a group of 12
15 Mount Stuart Square, Cardiff Bay, CF10 5DP
02920 576883
World Youth Skills Day 15th July 2020
Young people are almost three times more likely to be unemployed than adults and continuously exposed to lower quality of jobs, greater labor market inequalities, and longer and more insecure school-to-work transitions. In addition, women are more likely to be underemployed and under-paid, and to undertake part-time jobs or work under temporary contracts.
Here at Ajuda Training Academy we provide many different training courses including First Aid, Health and Safety, Manual Handling, Mental Health First Aid and Employability Skills.
All of these courses are a great way to learn life saving skills that, as long as you keep your training up top date, will stay with you throughout your whole life.
This year’s theme is ‘learning to learn for life and work’.
The campaign aims to reduce unemployment among young people across the globe and highlight how their lives have changed since learning a new skill.
Contact one of our helpful Ajuda team members today and book yourself onto one of our many courses.
“Learn something New
to make a better You”
Ajuda CEO Dawn Evans is Finalist at Welsh Veterans Awards 2020
At this years Welsh Veterans Awards our CEO Dawn Evans has been selected as a Finalist in Role Model of the Year category.
We at Ajuda are all so excited and very proud of Dawn because she works so hard to help others succeed and be the very best that they can.
She has been Director of Ajuda, one of Wales' top training companies for 11 years and counting.
Dawn has recently written and published the first in a series of fun educational children's books, teaching basic first aid skills in a fun way.
The list of charities that Dawn supports is growing every day.
Last year Dawn and her husband took on a big challenge to raise money for the ABF Soldiers’ Charity. They climbed Mount Toubkal in Morocco, the highest mountain in North Africa.
Dawn is always looking for new challenging ways to raise funds for different charities.
All of us at Ajuda would like to wish Dawn and all the other finalists the very best of luck.
Here is the full list of Finalists
The Awards take place on August 26th at the Village Hotel in Cardiff.
World Wellbeing Week 22nd – 26th June 2020
Now in its second year, World WellBeing Week provides the opportunity for participants worldwide to promote an overall awareness for the wide-ranging aspects of wellbeing, including social, physical, emotional, financial, career, community and environmental wellbeing.
It gives recognition to the professional practitioners in this burgeoning sector; and shines a light on charities and social enterprises working hard in their own specific areas of wellbeing.
It also provides a platform for the leading organisations of the world to highlight their wellbeing strategies and activities, and to demonstrate their appreciation for their valued employees, customers, partners and suppliers.
Held annually during the last week in June, World WellBeing Week aims to create an Awareness Week with a series of individual events and activities, culminating in the ‘Leaders in WellBeing Summit | Awards | Expo’ to celebrate the practitioners, charities, and employers who are leading the way in all aspects of wellbeing.
Following the success of our previous Mental Health and Wellbeing Show Online in May, we are now planning monthly sessions focused on improving standards of mental health and wellbeing.
On June 26th from 10am – 12pm, we will be holding a Zoom event focusing on Youth Mental Health, including topics such as additional learning needs, wellbeing methods, developing confidence and more.
Tickets are completely free, with amazing speakers presenting on the day.